Leaven-Like Evangelism


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
 Define leaven-like evangelism.
 Explain the mandate of evangelism.
 Summarize the message of evangelism.
 Identify the messengers of evangelism.
 Identify the recipients of the message.
 Communicate the Gospel to others.
 Summarize New Testament principles of evangelism.
 Summarize New Testament parables of evangelism.
 Do personal evangelism.
 Deal with difficulties you encounter in evangelism.
 Reach an entire area by saturation evangelism.
 Conduct mass evangelism.
 Follow up new converts.
 Make plans for evangelism.
 Network with others for evangelism.
 Summarize what the Bible teaches about healing and deliverance.
 Explain variables that affect healing.
 "As you go, heal."
 "As you go, deliver."
 Describe the New Testament model for church planting.
 Follow New Testament methods to plant churches.
 Follow New Testament methods to multiply churches.
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