the gospel of luke: verse-by-verse exposition
Insights for Eternity Radio Programs on the Gospel of Luke Suitable for radio broadcast and personal study, Bible study and Bible classes. Each program runs for 30 minutes, they are 40MB each to download and were recorded at 192 kbps (medium high quality) Copyright, John Edmiston 2022-2024, Creative Commons, Share-Alike, Non-Commercial May be freely used for non-profit ministry purposes but may not be sold in any way.
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luke 1:1-25 intro and purpose -
luke 1:26-45 nothing is impossible -
luke 1:46-56 mary rejoices -
luke 1:57-80 zacharias' prophecy -
luke 2:1-21 jesus' birth -
luke 2:22-40 simeon and anna -
luke 2:41-52 Jesus' boyhood -
luke 3:1-20 john the baptist -
luke 3:23-38 Jesus' genealogy -
luke 4:1-13 temptation of christ -
luke 4:14-21 Jesus' declaration -
luke 4:22-30 early ministry -
luke 4:31-37 casts out a demon -
luke 4:38-44 Jesus' miracles -
luke 5:1-11 first disciples -
luke 5:12-26 two miracles -
luke 5:27-39 attitude toward sinners -
luke 6:1-11 Jesus' compassion -
luke 6:12-19 the 12 called -
luke 6:20-26 the beautitudes -
luke 6:27-38 the golden rule -
luke 6:39-49 christian conduct -
luke 7:1-17 two mighty miracles -
luke 7:18-35 Jesus about John -
luke 7:36-50 woman with the vial -
luke 8:1-15 parable of the sower -
luke 8:16-25 the storm stilled -
luke 8:26-39 confronting legion -
luke 8:40-56 raising Jarius' daughter -
luke 9:1-9 the 12 sent to preach -
luke 9:10-17 feeding 5000 -
luke 9:18-27 peter confesses christ -
luke 9:28-36 the transfiguration -
luke 9:37-45 healing the epileptic -
luke 9:46-56 three common errors -
luke 10:1-16 sending the 70 -
luke 10:17-24 the 70 return -
luke 10:25-37 the good samaritan -
luke 10:38-42 mary and martha -
luke 11:1-4 the lord's prayer -
luke 11:5-13 ask, seek, knock -
luke 11:14-23 deliverance ministry -
luke 11:24-26 repeated possession -
luke 11:27-36 sign of jonah -
luke 11:37-54 woe to pharisees -
luke 12:1-12 beware of hypocrisy -
luke 12:13-21 the rich fool -
luke 12:22-34 do not be anxious -
luke 12:35-48 parables of stewards -
luke 12:49-59 a time of division -
luke 13:1-9 repent or perish -
luke 13:10-17 healing the crippled woman -
luke 13:18-21 parables -
luke 13:22-35 will few be saved -
luke 14:1-11 healing on the sabbath -
luke 14:12-24 the great supper -
luke 14:25-33 leaving all to follow -
luke 14:34-35 tasteless salt -
luke 15:1-10 lost sheep, coin -
luke 15:11-32 the prodigal son -
luke 16:1-13 the unrighteous steward -
luke 16:14-18 warning the pharisees -
luke 16:19-31 lazarus and the rich man -
luke 17:1-4 about offenses -
luke 17:5-10 how to increase faith -
luke 17:11-19 ten lepers cleansed -
luke 17:20-37 the second coming -
luke 18:1-8 the unjust judge -
luke 18:9-14 tax gatherer and pharisee -
luke 18:15-17 blessing the children -
luke 18:18-30 the rich young ruler -
luke 18:31-34 christ foretells his death -
luke 18:35-43 healing the blind man -
luke 19:1-10 zacchaeus saved -
luke 19:11-27 the ten minas -
luke 19:28-40 the triumphant entry -
luke 19:41-44 weeps over jerusalem -
luke 19:45-48 cleansing the temple -
luke 20:1-8 Jesus' authority -
luke 20:9-18 parable of the vineyard -
luke 20:19-26 taxes to caesar -
luke 20:27-40 the resurrection -
luke 20:41-47 Jesus' question -
luke 21:1-4 the widow's mites -
luke 21:5-9 prophesying the temple's destruction -
luke 21:10-19 the end times -
luke 21:20-24 destruction of jerusalem -
luke 21:25-38 watch and pray -
luke 22:1-13 the preparation of the passover -
luke 22:14-23 the lord's supper -
luke 22:24-30 servant leadership -
luke 22:31-38 the disciples will be tested -
luke 22:39-46 Jesus in the garden of gethsemane -
luke 22:47-71 the arrest and trial of Jesus before the sanhedrin -
luke 23:1-25 Jesus' trial before Pilate and Herod -
luke 23:26-43 Jesus' crucifixion -
luke 23:44-56 Jesus commits his spirit to the father -
luke 24:1-12 the tomb is empty -
luke 24:13-35 Jesus appears to two -
luke 24:36-53 resurrection proved